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New Website (August 2019)

It's been a long time since I did anything here, and in that time quite a lot has gone on, not least software engineering is no longer my profession. The reasons for this are numerous and will probably be the subject of a future post. Suffice to say I now spend my days as a self-employed electrical contractor, a complete change from sitting behind a desk all day and one that I am thoroughly enjoying despite my office very often being someone's cobweb infested loft 😄

This new blog will be focused much more on software development than it's predecessor which ended up being a bit of a rant zone. Specifically I'll be focusing on Delphi development including my own projects and some commentary about the software industry (I feel I'm qualified to comment having spent over 20 years working in it).

If you're new here, you can find out a little more about your host (AthenaOfDelphi - otherwise known as Christina) here.